What happens when an important part of the Company leaves? Can we replace him or her with the available resources in an efficient way?
Hastiness is not a good advisor, especially when it comes to key positions for the organization.
When the vacancy opens, a lot of complications come with each passing day. Some tasks will remain not taken care of, and there will certainly be a lack of added-value intelligence in them.
A manager, or a director with partially void reports may rush into decisions, and is likely to end up picking topics that, in fact, require time for a more detailed and specific analysis.
We work with anticipation in the entire group of people and business plans that make up the company, to timely propose specific talents for positions that are likely to become vacant. I actively collaborate in the elaboration of the job description for the position, in its hard and soft aspects. In addition, I take part in the entire interview process with all the candidates and the solid line report, ensuring such candidate is, in fact, the ideal resource you are looking for regarding performance, as well as making sure his or her own culture matches that of the company.
We identify people who can cope with uncertainty and can properly handle and adapt to change, generating the link with the business plans of the organization. Altogether, this will improve the success rate of the talent search, which will be reflected as a cost reduction, not only due to the diminished amount of time required to carry out the assignment, but also because of the increased rate of permanency.
We run through the candidate’s DNA, their talents and wishes, and compare them with those of the Company, with a special focus on Empathy, Initiative, Results, Change Capacity in times of crisis, Best Practices -when it comes to your Company’s business model-, Strategic Capacity, and Helicopter Vision.
We focus on a much more friendly way of culturally preparing the candidate for his or her step not to be traumatic when it comes to entering the new organization, thus increasing the rates of permanency, short-term results, and overall success.